Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Shape of Herms to Come...

photo from

I'm beginning to see Ozymandias through a sand storm as I research the mysterious case of the Hermes.

In case all of this sounds too arcane, what I actually mean is that the more I learn about the castration of the statues of Hermes in Athens in 415, the uneasier I feel. There's something shaping up here that's vaguely recognizable- something very 21st century USA. What? What is it that looms like a forgotten monument? Why do I feel a strange sense of excitement and dread?

It has to do with the general public's superstition/religion beliefs and their place in public life. It has to do with reactionary repressive legislation. It has to do with ultimate shock and its ensuing terror. It has to do with going to war.

I'm in the hunting/gathering stage now and don't know what this is leading to. I had no expectations about this event, because I knew so little. But as a result I can ride my feelings as I learn more. As a result of being so open, I can follow my gut as well as my internet savvy and research skills.

Stay tuned...

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