Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mea Culpa

I have been remiss on this new blog. It has been over four months since my initial post, and a lot has happened to the book, Sculptural Assassination.

First, I managed to get the essential parts of the proposal written and sent to David's agent to take a gander at it. "A tough call," he wrote back, but a pass. I wasn't too devastated, but I did begin to wonder whether this book would have a life after my emachine. So I sent an updated and extended version of the package to an agent in CT. Bingo! He shot back that he'd be interested in seeing a few chapters of the manuscript. Of course, I was elated. HOWEVER, I hadn't actually and in fact written any of the chapters. I had focused too much on the sales package and though I was elbow deep in research, I hadn't actually put any words down on paper or on the screen. Stupid mistake.

What to do? I instantly conferred with my author in residence, Dr. Kaiser and he suggested I tell the new agent the truth. That I thanked them for their interest and I'd get right on writing the chapters. Swallow my pride and get on with the business of writing this book.

So I wrote to them thanking them for their interest and said I'd get the chapters to them as soon as possible. Right now, I have the rough draft of the 1776 chapter done and am have started work on the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

Tomorrow, I'll write about the adventure of 1776 research. After that, I'll keep you up to date with the most confusing permutations of the Afghanistan disaster...

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